Reporting Pupil Premium Spending
During the financial year April 2021- March 2023, we will spend the funding in the following ways:
- Implement one to one tutoring sessions for pupils in KS2 focused on English and Maths.
- Booster sessions in Year 6 supporting children to make accelerated progress in English and Maths.
- Additional pupil intervention groups based on pupil data analysis, focussing on PP in Year 3 + 4.
- Funding support for residential visits.
- Provide an 11+ Club for Year 5 children who aim to sit the 11+ test in Year 6 .
- Participation in a greater variety of sporting and performance events for pupils.
- Supporting attendance through rewards and initiatives.
- Therapeutic interventions.
- Weekly homework lunchtime club.
- Provide Nursery sessions and tailored early intervention.