Our Golden Rules
Our aim at Hinguar Primary School and Nursery is for children to develop responsible action and mutual respect. To support our youngest pupils in understanding this ethos we have agreed six golden rules that we introduce in the Early Years Foundation Stage and maintained through EYFS and KS1. We expect all children to respect our golden rules which are in place to keep us safe and happy.
When children join the school in the Nursery or Reception they are introduced to the Golden Rules through age appropriate stories that help them to understand the good behaviour reflected in our Golden Rules. The Golden Rules are focused on throughout the school year up until the end of KS1 and will be discussed with the children at the beginning of each term and through assemblies and ongoing class discussion. The Golden Rules are displayed in each EYFS and KS1 classroom and around the school so that children can be reminded of their responsibilities and be praised if they have followed the Golden Rules.
In KS2 rules are negotiated at the start of each year as a progression from our original golden rules. These class rules build upon the pupils' understanding of the principles of the Golden Rules in more detail and are displayed clearly in each classroom. We expect all children to follow the principles of our Golden Rules throughout the school.
In addition to the Golden Rules, we have Hinguar Respect Charter which is displayed in every classroom and around the school.
Our Golden Rules.
We are gentle
We are kind and helpful
We work hard
We look after property
We listen
We are honest