Attendance and Leave of Absence Request
Important facts about school attendance:
- There are 190 school days each academic year
- There are 175 other days for holidays and other activities
- The national average for school attendance is 95%
- 90% attendance represents 1 day non-attendance a fortnight
- 80% attendance represents 1 day non-attendance a week
The Pupil Registration Regulations amendment prohibits Headteachers from granting leave of absence except in exceptional circumstances and only when an application is made in advance. The amendment removes mention of holidays from the regulations. Exceptional circumstances are defined as follows:
- The occasion of bereavement of an immediate family member.
- Where it is company/organisational policy for an employee to take leave at a specified time in the year and there is no opportunity for a family holiday in school holidays. This must be supported by documentary evidence from the organisation.
- Service personnel returning from/scheduled to embark upon a tour of duty abroad.
- Where a holiday is recommended as part of a parent or child’s rehabilitation from a medical or emotional issue. (Evidence must be provided, from qualified professionals, such as a doctor.)
- An opportunity which is of unique and significant emotional, educational or spiritual value to the child which outweighs the loss of teaching time.
Where there are other factors which the Headteacher may consider to be exceptional circumstances, this may be referred to the Local Authority for advice.
I ask that you respect these regulations under which we work to, and that if you do ask to take your child out of school during term time you make very clear in your request how the circumstances are exceptional.
Please note- No absence will be authorised for year 6 pupils during SATs week or for any pupil during the month of September
All Leave of Absence Requests on the form below must be handed into the school office at least 4 weeks before the proposed leave.